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Cathedral Players

"Emma, a senior at Highbury Prep, is certain she knows what’s best for her classmates’ love lives, and is determined to find the perfect boyfriend for shy sophomore Harriet by the end of the school year. But will Emma’s relentless matchmaking get in the way of finding her own happiness? Based on Jane Austen’s classic novel, this sparkling new musical features the hit songs of legendary girl groups and iconic female singers from Whitney Houston to Katy Perry. Girl power has never sounded so good!





We extend our heartfelt gratitude for the unwavering support and generous donations received from our donors, parish & school families, alumni, local businesses, and Otsego Community Foundation. We are truly grateful for the grants received from OCF through the

  • Brenden Gorney Fund
  • Jeff & Lynne Smetzer Fund
  • Kuehlenthal Beyer Family Fund

Thanks to the kindness of many, we were able to purchase new risers AND a new stage for our multipurpose room, enhancing our seating, simplifying the installation process, and increasing the safety of staff, students, volunteers, and our many audiences. 

Your contributions have made a lasting impact on the experience of our students and the entire community. Thank you for investing in the arts and being an essential part of nurturing creativity in St. Mary Cathedral School. 


Cathedral Players - Our History

The Cathedral Players are the many St. Mary Cathedral High School students who are interested in theatre and all of its various facets. Membership doesn't stop there: the groups extended family includes younger St. Mary students and numerous parents and parishioners who guide the students throughout the year. 

The Cathedral Players evolved from the St. Mary Drama Club, we have been putting on performances as the Cathedral Players since 1985. Sharon Wyrembelski and her huge group of volunteers were the architects of this wonderful group, Sharon retired after over 37 1/2 years of directing and producing, but as they say in show business "the show must go on!" We have soldiered on through the years and continue to produce two shows a year. We would like to thank everyone that has come to one of our shows, we hope you left feeling the joy that each of the students put into the shows. We could not have done this without all of our current and past volunteers, so thank you to all that have helped and to all those that will help in the future. God has given us a group of volunteers that enjoy theatre and enjoy being around a great group of kids. 

The Cathedral Players are a member of the International Thespian Society { Troupe 1283}. Many high school students have contributed to the great success and reputation of our shows. In recent years we have performed Grease, Sister Act, Murder on the Orient Express, Annie, and Seussical. We would like to thank all of our past and future patrons for allowing us the opportunity to perform for you. As a Catholic school we believe that we are all given a talent and should share that talent with the world. After all, that is why God gave us that talent. It is with God that we are able to put on these shows and we believe that He is with us throughout them. Thank you for continuing to join us. Hope you enjoy the show!

By being in the Cathedral Players, students are allowed to blossom into their fullest potential and develop the unique talents that God has given them. 

It takes a village of support to bring you the productions twice a year-from stage building to set/costume designs and everything in between. In addition to the time put in, the Cathedral Players rely on benefactor support in order to purchase plays and fund essentials to aid in putting on a grand production! 

Fish Fry Returns