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Middle School (6-8)

Welcome to St. Mary Cathedral Parish & School

Middle School - Grades 6th-8th 

At St. Mary Cathedral Parish and School, we are dedicated to nurturing lifelong discipleship in the Lord, promoting academic excellence, and cultivating God-given talents.

For each grades 6-8th, we focus on a variety of standard subject areas, including Language Arts, Mathematics, Earth Science, Life Science, Physical Science, Art, Ancient Culture/World Geography, Medieval World, and US History.

For a full description of all subject areas broken down by grade, please visit our St. Mary Cathedral School Standards and Course Descriptions Grades 6-8th booklet.  

Instrumental Music—Cathedral Band: We are proud to say that all St. Mary students learn an instrument in middle school. During this time, students perform concerts, participate in parades, and have the option to participate in Solo and Ensemble.

Blue & White Band – 6th Grade: Students begin the year with a recorder, learning basic note and rhythm reading. They then transition to band instruments by October and learn the basics of their particular instrument. They perform at two concerts.

Snowbird Band—7th Grade: Now students are expanding their knowledge of their instrument, strengthen their rhythm, extend their range, and add different meters. They also learn how to march and play in parade formation and get the chance to march at Homecoming and in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Students also participate in four concerts throughout the year and have the option of participating in Solo and Ensemble and Jazz Band.

Cathedral Band—8th Grade: The emphasis this year is on tone control, scales and complex rhythms and to continue working on the basics of marching. Students march at Homecoming and in the St. Patrick’s Day parades and participate in four concerts. They also have the option to participate in Solo and Ensemble, Middle School Honors Band, and Jazz Band.

Creative Arts: Art Class 

Choir: (information to come)

In addition to a robust academic and religious education, students will work together as a class and often as an entire school to engage with our community through service projects. Each month the school focuses on a Virtue of the Month, some include Prudence, Justice, Faith, Temperance, and Fortitude. Each class learns about the virtue and then participates in a service project. Service projects range from leaf raking for our elderly parishioners to collecting for our local food pantry.

Additionally, we believe that our students learn greatly from each other. We support a buddy system with our high school students and elementary, and between our elementary and Young 5 students. Students work with their buddy during masses at the Cathedral and often during various times through the week. Our school is small but mighty, and students of every age engage with each other for a richer more universal experience.

As a Catholic school, our mission drives our activities. As a result, students are engaged in daily prayer, religion activities and lessons, and daily reflection on our Catholic faith. Our program provides an opportunity for students to be involved in prayer and other religious activities in conjunction with our Catholic Christian Values.

Our Middle School students have daily religion classes. They will receive scriptural instruction in accord with Sacred Tradition. Additionally, our 8th graders will learn about the great truths of the Catholic Faith and promote Biblical literacy by extensive reading and discussion.

Students participate in weekly mass at 9 a.m. on Wednesday in the school gymnasium, or at the Cathedral on Holy Days. Parents are welcome to attend.

Students participate in adoration and take time with their class in our chapel to sit in the presence of our Lord.

For more information about our Parish please visit website

Check out our JPII room at the end of the High School hallway! Newly renovated and a great space for students to be after school betweeen sports and is used by St. Mary Cathedral Youth Ministry, Cathedral Players and by other groups and meetings throughout the year. Run by parent volunteers, this is a great way to fulfill your family stewardship hours.


We know and understand that being a parent of a Middle School student can leave you with lots of questions. That is ok, we are here to help!