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Elementary (1-5)

Welcome to St. Mary Cathedral Parish & School

Elementary - Grades 1st - 5th

At St. Mary Cathedral Parish and School, we are dedicated to nurturing lifelong discipleship in the Lord, promoting academic excellence, and cultivating God-given talents.

For all of our elementary students, our day begins at 7:45 a.m. with Convocation in the cafeteria. During this time our principal Mrs. Hatch leads students in prayer, song and provides daily updates. Parents are welcome to stay through convocation. Students are in their classroom ready to learn by 8:00 a.m.

Grade Specific Learning Highlights:

Grade 1: During this important year teachers work to build a firm educational base that will assist students through elementary school and beyond. Much of the curriculum centers around reading writing, spelling, narrative and expository writing.
Curriculum highlights include: Addition & Subtraction, Comparing, learning about money, time and problem-solving. Science studies include learning about animal families, plant and water cycles, and the earth’s surface. 

Grade 2: During this year of growth, teachers dive further into literary elements, such as theme, character, plot, and setting. During this year it is anticipated to see growth in comprehensive skills, increased vocabulary and improved fluency skills.
Curriculum highlights include: fractions, graphs, estimating, place value to 1,000, plants and animals, sun and space, weather, states of matter, maps, government, and community. 

Grade 3: During this exciting year, students learn about the History of Michigan through Statehood, physical science, force, and motion. The classes read Charlette’s Web, biographies, mysteries and historical fiction. Students focus their time on learning cursive, understanding the writing process and various writing genres, and applying listening and speaking strategies. 

Grade 4: During this year our young leaders emerge, learning about Geometry, adding and subtracting fractions, and decimals. Learning begins to expand outside of Michigan and focuses on learning the geography of the United States, government .and civics. Students read novels, including Because of Winn Dixie, Christmas Carol, Holes, Indian in the Cupboard, and the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. 

Grade 5: During 5th grade, students begin to learn presentation skills and plan presentations for end of unit projects. This year is full of learning! The brochure is eleven pages long, and includes an extensive breakdown of learning activities by subject and quarter. A great read for parents of future 5th graders. Once students complete 5th grade they are considered Middle School Students. 

We believe it is important to expand our experiences beyond the classroom. Our elementary students can anticipate participating in the following field trips, among others, during their time in grades 1st through 5th.

  • Ausable Institute
  • Fleming Farm
  • Cross in the Woods
  • Fish Hatchery
  • Saginaw Zoo
  • Swimming Lessons (for all Fourth Graders)
  • Soo Locks or Besser Museum in Alpena
  • Flywheels-Harvest Days
  • Mackinaw Island

Additionally, we believe in taking time to reflect on important events in both the church and our community and celebrating those within our school. We also look for ways to engage our entire school in new and exciting educational opportunities. As a result, our elementary students can anticipate participating in the following events:

  • Spelling Bees
  • Pen Pals with local senior citizens
  • Grandparents Day
  • May Crowning
  • Mother’s Day Celebrations
  • Young Americans (every three years - Coming in 2020)
  • Invitations to participate in Cathedral Players Activities
  • School Wide Pep Rallies

As a Catholic school, our mission drives our activities. As a result, students are engaged in daily prayer, religion activities and lessons, and daily reflection on our Catholic faith. Our program provides an opportunity for students to be involved in prayer and other religious activities in conjunction with our Catholic Christian Values.

Some highlights for our Elementary Students:

  • Weekly mass held on each Wednesday at 9 a.m. Parents and community members are welcome to join us in our gymnasium, or on holy days at the Cathedral
  • Adoration and silent time spent with our Lord in our school chapel
  • Learning about the Lives of Saints
  • Study of the 10 Commandments, cardinal virtues, Sacraments, Prophets, and our Holy Family
  • Identify and discover God’s love through prayer
  • Studying and making a Rosary
  • Prayer Journals

For more information about our Parish, please visit our parish website

In addition to a robust academic and religious education, students will work together as a class and often as an entire school to engage with our community through service projects. Each month the school focuses on a Virtue of the Month, some include Prudence, Justice, Faith, Temperance, and Fortitude. Each class learns about the virtue and then participates in a service project. Service projects range from leaf raking for our elderly parishioners to collecting for our local food pantry.

Additionally, we believe that our students learn greatly from each other. We support a buddy system where our high school students partner with elementary, and our elementary students partner with Young 5 students. Students work with their buddy during masses at the Cathedral and often during various times through the week. Our school is small but mighty, and students of every age engage with each other for a richer, more universal, experience.

It is important for parents to know that we do offer an afterschool option for elementary students. Our After School Academy (ASA) is available from 2:50 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday on regular school days. The cost for ASA is $5.00 per hour, per student. There are additional fees added after 5:00 p.m. Snacks are not provided to students during this time, but they are welcomed and encouraged to bring a snack. For more information on ASA please contact the school office or your student’s teacher.

We know and understand that being a parent of an Elementary School student can leave you with lots of questions. That is ok, we are here to help!