School Advisory Countil (SAC)
The purpose of the School Advisory Council is to provide the Pastor of St. Mary Cathedral and Principal of St. Mary Cathedral School with general counsel and advice regarding issues affecting the School, as well as assistance with organizing and implementing programs and special initiatives.
Seeking to be guided by the Holy Spirit, the members of the School Advisory Council are charged with assisting to ensure that the School is providing a high quality education within the context of a faithful Catholic environment. The School Advisory Council, together with the Principal and subject to the approval of the Pastor and the Parish Pastoral Council, will recommend goals and objectives for the School.
The School Advisory Council has established the following standing committees:
-Catholic Identity, Faith Formation and Religious Education
-Development, Alumni Relations, Marketing, and Communication
-Academic Enhancement, Student Achievement and Curriculum
-Finance, Budget, Enrollment and Grant Writing
-Maintenance, Building and Grounds
All meetings of the School Advisory Council shall be open to attendance by any parishioner or any parent/guardian of a child attending the school, except in cases when the Council is in closed, executive session. Contact the school office for a schedule of upcoming meeting dates.
The School Advisory Council is a natural outgrowth of the sense of Church as the People of God that has always been part of the Catholic tradition, especially since the Second Vatican Council. The creation of the SAC reflects an abiding faith in the royal priesthood (1 Peter 2) which is inherent in all of the baptized People of God. Clergy, religious, and laity must work in consort and collaboratively to build up the Kingdom of God in the parish and school.